GAIL (India) Limited Job Vacancy for Foreman, Superintendent, Chemist, Technician and Others

Monday, March 29, 2010

GAIL (India) Limited
(A Govt. Of India Undertaking] (A Navratna Company)
GAIL (India) Ltd., Pata, Dist. Auraiya (U.P.)

GAJL (India) Limited, a Navratna Public Sector Undertaking, is looking for experienced personnel for following posts:

Name of the Posts:-
  1. Foreman (Operations)
  2. Foreman (Instrumentation)
  3. Foreman (Electrical)
  4. Foreman (Civil)
  5. Junior Chemist
  6. Junior Superintendent (Contracts & Procurement)
  7. Junior Accountant
  8. Junior Superintendent (Human Resources)
  9. Plant Operator
  10. Technician (Instrumentation)
  11. Technician (Electrical)
  12. Tech. Assistant (Lab)



• Candidates fulfilling the above criteria should submit their application giving details strictly in the following sequence: 1. Post 
Applied for, 2. Name of the candidate, 3. Date of birth, 4. Parent/Spouse’s name, 5.Whether belonging to (i) category ‐ 
SC/ST/OBC/GEN (ii) sub‐category ‐PH/Ex –servicemen etc, 6. Mailing Address with Pin code, Mobile Numbers, Telephone 
Numbers with STD codes 7. Qualification viz. Name of exam passed, University/Institute, month and year of passing, 
percentage of marks obtained and duration of course, 8.Details of work Experience viz. Name of Organization, Period (from 
______ to ________), Total Experience, Post held, Pay scale, Salary drawn and Nature of job 9. Email address: 10. Demand 
draft details viz. DD No. Name of issuing branch, Amount, DD date.

• Candidates belonging to General and OBC category are required to pay a non‐ refundable application fees of Rs. 50/‐ 
(Rupees fifty only) by Demand Draft / Pay Order drawn in favour of “GAIL (India) Limited, Pata” payable at SBI, PATA 
(Branch Code: 1937).

Application complete in all respect along with required demand draft and attested true copies of the testimonials / 
documents mentioned above should be sent by ordinary post on or before 15 days of the publication of the advertisement 
in a sealed envelope super scribed with GAIL PATA‐ADVT. NO. G‐2 /2010 and Name of the Post applied for, on the top left 
hand corner. The application should be addressed to:
Chief Manager (HR),
GAIL (India) Ltd,
PO – Pata,
District‐ Auraiya,
UP – 206 241



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