Officer & Clerk-Cum-Cashier (Office Assistant) Jobs in AGB - Aryavart Gramin Bank(Total 130 Vacancies)

Friday, April 16, 2010

Aryavart Gramin Bank
Advertisement for Officer and Clerk-Cum-Cashier (Office Assistant)

 Last Date :- 17/05/2010

Name of the Posts:-

  1. Officer (Scale –I) Total posts: 40
  2. Clerk-Cum-Cashier (Office Assistant) Total posts: 90

Officer (Scale –I)
Total posts: 40
Age Limit as on 01.01.2010: 26 years

Clerk-Cum-Cashier (Office Assistant)
Total posts: 90
Age Limit as on 01.01.2010: 26 years

Selection procedure: Written Examination, exam dates are giving below:
For Officer: 18/07/2010
For Clerk-Cum-Cashier (Office Assistant): 25/07/2010

Submission of Application: Candidates may submit application online at Aryavart Gramin Bank website before the last date: 17/05/2010

More Information: For complete details like qualification, experience, how to apply, apply online, examination center, exam results and any other details related to Aryavart Gramin Bank Recruitment 2010, advertisement link is given below:

Vacancy Details:-



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