RESEARCH JOBS in Institute of Liver and Biliary Sciences (ILBS),Sarkari Naukri

Friday, June 18, 2010

 Institute of Liver and Biliary Sciences (ILBS)

Last Date :-  30.06.2010

Name of the Posts:-

  1. JRF 9
  2. RA 3
  3. SRF 1
  4. SRO 1

Applications are invited from candidates who have completed M.Sc. within past two years for Junior Research Fellowship (JRFs) positions. Preference will be given to the candidates having intense interest to work in the areas related to hepatology with focus on (but not limited) stem cell biology, molecular and cellular biology, molecular virology and immunology, under the mentorship of the ILBS faculty members. The fellowship is tenable for the duration of three years. The candidates who have completed their M.Sc. within past two years and have scored 60% or more marks in their graduate and post-graduate degree examinations are eligible to apply. Preferences will be given to NET qualified candidates.
Interested candidates may submit their applications via email ( with recent bio-data that contains educational details, one page write-up on specific research interests to the Assistant Registrar, Institute of Liver and Biliary Sciences latest by 30 June 2010. Only short-listed candidates will be invited for an interview for the final selection.
Total positions
 JRF         9
 RA          3
 SRF        1
 SRO        1
Last date: 30/06/2010

Write to 
Dr. S.K. Sarin, Project Director,
Institute of Liver and Biliary Sciences
D-1, Vasant Kunj, New Delhi


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