KENDRIYA VIDYALAYA, Delhi Job Vacancy for Part Time Teachers

Sunday, March 21, 2010

(Behind Spinal Injury Hospital, Vasant Kunj) 
NEW DELHI-110037 

Walk-in-lnterview on following dates to prepare a Panel for part time contractual teachers on day to day requirement basis for the year 2010-2011.

Date: 23.03.2010- For PGT-Maths, Physics, Chemistry, Biology, English, Hindi, Commerce, Economics, TGT (All Subjects), Primary Teacher.

Date 25.03.2010- For PGT-Computer Science, Computer Instructor/Art & Craft/Dance & Music/Games & Sports & Spoken English.

Desired Qualification for the respective posts.

PGT- Post Graduate in concerned subject with 50% marks, PGT- Computer Sc.:- MCA or M.Sc.
(Computer Sc.) with 50% marks.

TGT (All Subjects) Graduate in concerned subject with 50% marks, B.Ed.

Primary Teacher: Sr. Secondary with 50% Marks or its Equivalent Diploma or Certificate in Basic Teacher's Training of a duration of not less than 02 years/ Bachelor of Elementary Education (B.EI.Ed.)/B.Ed.

Spoken Engilish Teacher Graduate with English. Desirable:- Certificate/Diploma/Degree in spoken English (Course Programme not less then 6 month duration).

Computer Instructor B.Sc. Computer Science/Graduate with PGDCA.

Games Sport Coaches in Hand Ball/ Skating/Cricket. Graduate in any discipline and must have played/participated in National/ State Level in concerned game.

Candidates with excellent academic record and competency to teach through English & Hindi medium may bring applications (Bio-Data), Passport size photograph alongwith copy of the supporting document and directly appear for an interview at 09.00 A.M. on the said date. No TA/DA shall be paid.


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