Faculty Jobs in Mahatma Gandhi University Nalgonda - Educational Jobs

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Mahatma Gandhi University
Recruitment of Assistant Professors
Applications are invited for the post of Assistant professors

Last Date :- 13.05.2010

Name of the Posts:-
  1. Assistant Professor(30 posts)

Pay Scale: Rs.15600-39100

Name of post
Group No
No of post
Assistant Professor
Business Management
First Class Master’s degree in Business Management/ Administration/ other relevant management related disciplines/ PGDBM/PGDM Programmes (minimum 2 years duration) recognized by AICTE/MHRD/UGC and declared equivalent to MBA by AICTE/AIU with NET/SLET qualification or Ph.D. Desirable Qualifications: The following areas of specialization in P.G /Ph.D./Post Doctoral Research, are desirable. Strategic Management., Operations Research & Production Management. Financial Management & Accounting including strategic Financial Management., Taxation/ International Financial Management, Human Resource Management/ Strategic HRM, Marketing Management/ International Marketing Management.,Systems, Tourism & Travel Management.
8 (OC-3, OC(W)-2, BC-B (W)-1, BC-C (W)-1, SC-1)
First Class Master’s Degree in the Biotechnology branch of Engineering (Engg.) & Technology (Tech)/ Ph.D. Degree in Applied Biological Sciences such as, Micro-Biology, Bio-Chemistry, Genetics, Molecular Biology, Pharmacy and Bio- Physics; have cleared NET/ SLET/ SET, A minimum score as stipulated in the Academic Performance Indicator (API) based, Performance Based Appraisal System( PBAS) developed by UGC Regulations shall be a mandatory requirement.
4 (OC-1, OC(W)-1, SC(W)-1, BC-A(W)-1)
At least 55% of the marks at the Master’s degree level in a relevant subject.. NET/ SLET/ SET, Holders of Ph.D. degree
4 (OC-1, OC(W) VH/PH-1, SC-1, ST(W)-1)
6 (OC-3, OC(W)-1, BC-B(W)-1, BC-C (W)-1)
4(OC-1, OC(W)-1, BC-D(W)-1, SC-1)
Computer Science & Informatics

First Class MCA Degree / M.Sc (Computer Science)/ M.Sc (Information Technology) with NET. OR First Class B.E/B.Tech. in Computer Science/ Information Technology/ Engineering/ Technology with GATE qualification of minimum 80 percentile score. Desirable Qualifications: The following areas of specialization in P.G /Ph.D./Post Doctoral Research are desirable. Programming like C++, Java, J2EE (MWT), SoftwareEngineering and Database Management systems modeling language, Networks.
4 (OC-1, OC(W)-1, BC-A(W)-1, SC(W)-1)

How to apply
Filled in applications, in all respects, should be sent to the Registrar, Mahatma Gandhi University, Nalgonda, A.P, India by Registered Post/ Speed Post with Acknowledgement due so as to reach the office on or before 13th May 2010 in a closed cover superscribed “ Application for the Post of ________________________ with a registration fee of Rs.500 (Rupees Five hundred only). For the candidates belong to SCs/STs and Physically Challenged the Registration fee charged is Rs.300 (Three hundred only). If a candidate submits the downloaded Application from Mahatma Gandhi University Website, He/ She shoould enclose a D.D for Rs.50 (Rupees Fifty only) drawn in favour ofRegistrar, Mahatma Gandhi University towards cost of application form.

Vacancy Details :- Click here


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