NLC Graduate / Technician Apprenticeship Training(430 training positions) - PSU Joba

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Neyveli Lignite Corporation Limited
MINI RATNA – Government of India Enterprise
Regd. Office: ‘Neyveli House’, No.135, Periyar EVR High Road, Chennai – 600 010
Corporate Office: Block-1, Neyeli-607 801, Tamil Nadu

Last Date for receipt of application : 15.05.2010

NLC Ltd., proposes to engage Graduate and Technician Apprentices under the Apprentices Act, 1961 purely for ONE YEAR training in the following designated subject fields

Name of the Posts:-

  1. Technician Apprenticeship Training(210)
  2. Graduate Apprenticeship Training(220)

Job Details:-

1. Technician Apprenticeship Training
 No. of training slots : 210
 Stipend: Rs.1850/- p.m. (inclusive of all)
 Qualification : Diploma in Engineering in the respective discipline with 55% marks (50% for SC/ST).
For Commercial Practice : Diploma in Comercial Practice with 55% marks (50% for SC/ST)
 Breakup Vacancy :
1 Mechanical Engineering - 70
2 Electrical Engineering - 60
3 Civil Engineering - 20
4 Instrumentation - 10
5 Chemical Engineering - 10
6 Mining Engineering - 10
7 Computer Science & Engineering -10
8 Electronics & Communication - 10
9 Commercial Practice -10

2. Graduate Apprenticeship Training
 No. of training slots : 220
 Stipend: Rs.2600/- p.m. (inclusive of all)
 Qualification :Degree in Engineering in the respective discipline with 55% marks (50% for SC/ST)
 Breakup Vacancy :
1 Mechanical Engineering - 50
2 Electrical Engineering - 50
3 Civil Engineering - 15
4 Instrumentation - 10
5 Chemical Engineering - 10
6 Mining Engineering - 10
7 Computer Science & Engineering -10
8 Electronics & Communication - 10
9 Transportation Engineering -10

Vacancy Details :- Click here 

Sarkari Naukri


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