Various Medical Jobs in ESIC(More than 350 jobs) - Medical Jobs

Wednesday, May 5, 2010


Last Date :- 04-06-2010.

Name of the Posts:-
For E.S.I. Model Hospital, Manesar (Haryana)

  1. Dietician(01)
  2. Lab Technician(03)
  3. Lab Assistant(05)
  4. Radiographer(03)
  5. Jr. Radiographer(05)
  6. Pharmacist(08)
  7. O.T. Technician(04)
  8. O.T. Assistant(06)
  9. Plaster Technician(01)
  10. Plaster Assistant(04)
  11. Dental Technician(01)
  12. Physiotherapist(01)
  13. ECG Technician(04)
  14. Nursing Orderly / Stretcher Bearer / Attendant(40)
  15. Staff Nurse(59)
  16. Occupational Therapist(01)
  17. Cook Mate / Masalchi / Bearer(10)
  18. Medical Social Worker(01)
  19. Jr. MRT(02)

For E.S.I. Model Hospital, Baddi (Himachal Pradesh)

  1. Dietician(01)
  2. Lab Technician(03)
  3. Lab Assistant(05)
  4. Radiographer(03)
  5. Jr. Radiographer(05)
  6. Pharmacist(07)
  7. O.T. Technician(04)
  8. O.T. Assistant(06)
  9. Plaster Technician(01)
  10. Plaster Assistant(04)
  11. Dental Technician(01)
  12. Physiotherapist(01)
  13. ECG Technician(04)
  14. Nursing Orderly / Stretcher Bearer / Attendant(40)
  15. Staff Nurse(59)
  16. Occupational Therapist(01)
  17. Cook Mate / Masalchi / Bearer(10)
  18. Medical Social Worker(01)
  19. Jr. MRT(02)

For E.S.I. Model Hospital, Bhiwadi (Rajasthan)

  1. Lab Technician(02)
  2. Lab Assistant(03)
  3. Radiographer(02)
  4. Jr. Radiographer(03)
  5. Pharmacist(07)
  6. O.T. Technician(01)
  7. Plaster Technician(01)
  8. Plaster Assistant(02)
  9. O.T. Assistant(03)
  10. Dental Technician(01)
  11. Physiotherapist(01)
  12. ECG Technician(02)
  13. Nursing Orderly / Stretcher Bearer / Attendant(19)
  14. Staff Nurse(32)
  15. Cook Mate / Masalchi / Bearer(04)

The application in the prescribed application format given below duly filled in English or Hindi language, duly supported with clear / legible attested copies of the relevant certificates and marks statements (in English or Hindi) should be sent by Registered post / Speed post at the following address :- The Joint Director (Recruitment),
E.S.I. Corporation, Panchdeep Bhawan,
C.I.G. Marg, New Delhi-110002.

Vacancy Details :- Click here

Government Jobs


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