Head Office: 2nd Floor,IDCO Towers, Janapath, Bhubaneswar-751 022
Telephone – 2541 727, Fax – 2543 125.
Last Date :- 31.07.2010
Name of the Posts:-
Procedure to Apply: The eligible candidates may submit their applications in the following format neatly typed or hand written and duly filled in along with Account Payee Bank Draft (non refundable) of Rs 250/- (Rupees two hundred fifty only) drawn on a Scheduled Bank in favour of CESU, Bhubaneswar, payable at Bhubaneswar, attested copies of certificates and Mark sheets {starting from Matriculation on wards along with copy of certificate of passing Oriya Language test of ME standard (not applicable to the candidates who have passed Matriculation Examination with Oriya as one of the language papers)}, documents in support of relevant experience if any, two attested copies of recent passport size photographs(one to be pasted on the
application form), two self addressed stamped (worth Rs.25/-) envelopes (25 cms x 11 cms) should be addressed to “The Sr. General Manager (HR), Central Electricity Supply Utility of Orissa , IDCO Tower (2nd Floor), Janapath, Bhubaneswar, Orissa, Pin – 751022”. The envelope containing application should be superscribed “Application for the Post of Management Trainee (GEE)”. The candidate is required to write his full name on the reverse of the Demand Draft.
The Last Date of receipt of application is 31st July 2010.
The application received after due date or in incomplete shape or without required enclosures or not in
the prescribed format shall not be entertained. The Management reserves the right to accept/reject any application on the basis of above criteria, to increase or decrease the number of positions advertised or cancel the entire recruitment process and to restrict the number of candidates to be called for Written Test / Interview, raising the eligibility standard.
Vacancy Details :- Click here
Sarkari Naukri
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